Breaking into investment banking and private equity wasn't a walk in the park;
it involved long nights and studying a lot of materials.
This journey sparked the creation of Full Time Offer.
I aspired to craft the very materials I wished I had during my application days.
Witnessing countless students leverage these courses
to secure their dream roles has been immensely fulfilling.
With experience as both an interviewer as well as interviewee,
I can guide you through the maze of finance interviews.
Let's embark on this journey together!
Professional Experience
Private Equity Associate
2020 - 2023
London, United Kingdom
Investment Banking Analyst
2018 - 2020
London, United Kingdom
Summer Intern at BlackRock Private Equity Partners
Zurich, Switzerland
Associate Consultant Intern in the Financial Services Practise
Munich, Germany

Master in Banking and Finance at University of St.Gallen
2016 - 2018
St. Gallen, Switzerland
Erasmus Exchange Semester at University of Bocconi
Milan, Italy
Bachelor in Ecomomics at University of Mannheim
2012 - 2015
Mannheim, Germany